
Change UIButton size as per title text length

In this tutorial, we will learn how to alter UIButton size as per button title text length. UIButton does not increase its size, when we change tittle of UIButton dynamically or programmatically in swift. When we create a UIButton in storyboard, and set a large title to it in our ViewController class. Then the size […]

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Swif tutorial – Send email with attachment in swift

Intro to tutorial on how to send email with attachment in swift  In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to send email with attachment from our iOS app which we will made using swift language. We are using xcode version 10 for this tutorial. So please follow below steps to learn how to

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Animate uilabel using CATransition animation

Animate UILabel using CATransition Animations plays an important role in mobile app, as an app with animation looks more appealing with a cool design. We can animate any control inherited from UIView class in iOS SDK using different methodologies or classes provided within the iOS SDK. In this tutorial, we will learn how to animate

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iOS App Localization: Change app language and app design layout from inside of the app without changing device language

iOS App Localization iOS app localization, the term itself explain the purpose of this tutorial to most of the mobile developers. If you are not aware of app localization then with app localization, we means that a mobile app’s ability to support multiple languages thus increase its presence. Since the majority of people in this

iOS App Localization: Change app language and app design layout from inside of the app without changing device language Read More »

How to add video as background in IOS SDK

In this post, we will learn how to add video as background in our iOS application. To achieve this, we can use AVPlayer class. Let’s us start, first create a new project with single view application and name it “BackgroundVideo-Demo”. Steps to add video as background in objective c Open your ViewController.m file and create

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UITapGetureRecognizer in IOS

UITapGesturRecognizer, what is that. You touch screen of your smartphones, in technical terms it is known as gesture. There are different types of gesture API’s available to IOS developers UITapGetureRecognizer In this post, we will cover UITapGestureRecognizer and learn how to use it in our iOS app.Apart from UITapGestureRecognizer we have UIPanGestureRecognizer and UIrotationGestureRecognizer. Let

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How to create csv file in swift programmatically

Introduction to how to create CSV file in swift programmatically As the heading of this tutorial says, we are going to learn how to create csv file in swift programmatically. CSV(comma separated values) or excel files as they are commonly known are not a difficult task in iOS app development using swift. In this post,

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