iPhone Development:Set/Reset badge of a tab in UITabBarController

In some of our apps, we need user to notify that something new happened to a particular section of the app.Suppose our app has three tabs and one of the tab name is New Offers. So for the users, to recognize instantly that new offers are available we set a icon or badge to our […]

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UILocalNotification Tutorial: Add and cancel LocalNotifications in iPhone SDK

As of iOS4, Apple has introduced a new type of notification that can be scheduled to fire within the device itself. It requires no complicated server programming, or additional configuration with iTunes. I am talking about Local Notifications.Local notifications can be scheduled on the user’s IPhone Device to fire at any given time; you can even

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iPhone Development:Animate a view in Iphone SDK

Tags: #UIView  #Animation #Tutorial #IOS #UIView Animation Blocks Animation, one thing that make iPhone a cool device. So get ready to make your apps  as a cool  app through use of  animation. Suppose you want a view to slide in from right side of screen and went toward left side.For that purpose we can use UIViewAnimation provided in

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iPhone Development:format a NSDate to DDMMYYYY

Tags: #NSDate  #NSDateFormatter #Tutorial #IOS #NSDate Format Now you can use above characters to format your NSDate in iPhone SDK using the class NSDateFormatter. Below are the steps that shows you how to use NSDateformatter. Step 1: Create an instance of NSDateFormatter. NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; Step 2: Set date format(format in which you want to

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iPhone Development:Hiding TabBarController while pushing viewController in iPhone SDK

In many of our apps, we want to show a viewController that does not had a bottom tab but our app has been laid out on TabBarController.The default behavior of a TabBarController app is that it contains tab at the bottom of screen and is remained static throughout our whole app.Here’s problem occurred, when we

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iPhone Development:Pop to particular viewController

In this post i am going to tell you use of how one can pop back to previous view-controller in iPhone SDK. Objective C provides us two ways to pop back to a previous view-controller placed in a navigation stack.They are two ways to do it 1. popToViewController:(UIViewController *) animated:(BOOL) 2. popViewControllerAnimated:(BOOL) Second one will

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iPhone Development:Restrict character to be entered in UITextField

in iPhone application development, if you want to restrict users from entering unnecessary characters in text field then you can use the facility provide by NSCharcterSet. Below is the code snippets that allow user to enter only numeric characters into text-field.No other characters apart from numeric values will be inserted in text field. – (BOOL)textField:(UITextField

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iPhone Development:Dismiss keyboard while using UITextField inside UIAlertView

Displaying a text-field inside UIAlertView is a good way to allow user enter a piece of information without letting him to navigate to other screen. The only common problem we faced in this case is hot to dismiss alert when user is done with typing. If alert/pop up has button to dismiss keyboard tehn its

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iPhone Development:Xcode does not recognize ipod after software update

When you update software on an iPod,iPhone ,sometimes xcode does not recognize it and shows a yellow dot in front of the device name in organizer.To overcome this without installing a newer version of xcode, follow the given below steps: Open up organizer in xcode. Right Click on devices and on the left pane select

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