iPhone Development:Push notification in Iphone SDK and Add custom sound to Push Notification

Tags: #PushNotification #Tutorial #IOS8  Push notification is a great feature that gave app developer/owner a chance to remind their app user’s that something new happened to the app. Mostly push notification is used in the apps that heavily depends upon remote server and required to have attention of their user’s. e.g. like a store app, if

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iPhone Development:Create a UITabBarController programmatically in iPhone SDK

Tags: #UITabBarController #programmatically #Tutorial #IOS8 Today, in this post i am going to tell you how we can create UITabBarController programmatically in objective C/ iPhone SDK.Though you can also chose a template for UITabBarController in the beginning of your project as the same is by default provided in Xcode by APPLE Inc. In my development career i came

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iPhone Development:Add Navigation controller to single viewController template in Xcode

In this post i am going to tell you how could you add a NavigationController(used in iPhone Objective C) to navigate from one viewController to other viewController in iPhone when you chose single view template in xcode. Suppose you are creating a new project in xcode and you have chosen singleview template as your starting

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iPhone Development:Check for internet connection in Iphone SDK

Most of our apps required to communicate with remote server so that they can connect with centralized database for our app. To achieve this functionality we use web-services for remote connection and made our request using NSUrlConnection Class. Now as we all already know ho to connect with remote server from our app one of

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iPhone Development:Add image to UITableViewCell

Working with TableView is a regular process while creating apps for mobile platform.In this post i am going to tell you how to add image to a cell of tableview. As you all know a tableview in iPhone consist of cell.To draw a cell we will use data source method – (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath

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iPhone Development:Enable ARC for a particular file in objective C

With ARC, iPhone app developer found a great relief from handling memory management. But, do you think what happened when you want to made changes in a source code that was made when ARC is not available and now you are integrating new libraries that uses ARC. To solve this issue we have a compiler

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iPhone Development:Integrate Gyft API in IOS

Gyft provides a series of REST APIs, which enables reseller’s third party applications to offer their own end-to-end virtual gift card programs with minimal effort. In one of my application, i came across this API. The most pain for the IOS developer in their documentation is taht they did not provide objective C source to

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iPhone Development:Disable ARC for a single file in a project in iPhone SDK

Automatic reference counting (ARC) was introduced in the iOS 5 sdk to free Objective-C programmers from having to handle memory management by making memory management the job of the compiler. Though you can disable ARC for a certain files in your project.You can use flag -fno-objc-arc for those files. To add this flag to certain

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