iPhone Development:Basic introduction of NSDictionay in IOS

NSDictionary is an efficient way that allows user to associate data with respect to particular keys. Every dictionary has a key value pair associated with it.Whenever you used web-services now days, you are seeing that the response from server comes in JSON(Java Script object notation) form, which usually comprises of key value pair, virtually called

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iPhone Development: Create a grid of buttons using UIScrollView

Creating a grid of buttons or images in iPhone app is a common requirement now day’s. The problem I am talking about is shown in given below image To achieve this requirement, we have various approaches 1) Use UITableView 2) Use UICollectionView 3) Create your own grid layout using UIImageView or UIButton(If you want to

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iPhone Development: Resign or dismiss keyboard when return key pressed in UITextView

UITextview is a common UI(User interface) control used in iPhone app development as it allows user to write down long content. One of the most common problem faced by iPhone app developers is to dismiss the keyboard when user press return key on keyboard. All developers are familiar with resignFirstResponder method to dismiss keyboard. But

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iPhone Development: Convert image into base64 string

Need to post image to server from your iPhone app, and your server guy who wrote down the PHP script asked you to send image as base64 String.In iPhone we can convert an image to base64 string using below pesudocode -(NSString *)Base64Encode:(NSData *)data {     //Point to start of the data and set buffer sizes

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iPhone Developement: Send app request to Facebook friends in IOS

Developing a game in IOS and want to send app request to your friends so that they can download it and play your niche game. Don’t worry it’s a easy process to send app request to your friends on Facebook. In IOS Facebook SDK allows us to open up a dialogue that contains logged-in user

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iPhone Development: Fetch friend list from Facebook in IOS

Facebook is a most popular social platform used in today’s world. So most of application demands to use Facebook functionality in the iPhone app. I am not discussing or telling all the things that most of the iPhone apps integrates, but i am just going to show you that how you can fetch or get

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iPhone Development: Some tips and tricks for iPhone development

In this post, I am going to tell you about some of the common things that need to be used in each project like validate a text field, show alert view, show HUD etc. Instead of writing code of lines again and again for showing alert and validate text fields, check for internet we can

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iPhone Development: Play video in iPhone sdk

Having a requirement of playing video in your app and the video is  stored locally in your app bundle. Don’t get panic as APPLE Inc. provided a media player framework that will allow you to play video files in your app. MediaPlayer framework includes MPMoviePlayerController that will play video files for you. In this post i

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iPhone Development: Reload a particular row in TableView

Tags: #Reload a Row #Tutorial #UITableView #IOS  Table-view is the most common control used in iPhone app development.It allow app developers to display data in a list form.Everyone is familiar with its implementation in iPhone SDK but few of us know that we can reload a certain row in table-view Ir-respective of loading a whole table-view by

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