
Create custom UIView class with xib in swift

Step-by-Step Guide to Design Custom UIView with XIB in Swift for UI Flexibility

Need to create a re-usable UIView class for common screens in your app, but want to design user interface in xib. To achieve this you need to create a xib file for your custom UIView class. Since xcode, does not allow developers to create a xib file, while creating a new file having UIView as […]

Step-by-Step Guide to Design Custom UIView with XIB in Swift for UI Flexibility Read More »

Difference between escaping and non escaping closures

In this post we are going to learn, difference between escaping closures and non-escaping closures. Closures are self contained block of functionality that can be pass around and used in your code. If you are not familiar with closures in swift, then you can learn from given below link https://iostutorialjunction.com/2018/04/how-to-write-closures-in-swift-beginner-tutorial.html Closures types There are two

Difference between escaping and non escaping closures Read More »

Get number of days between two dates in iOS using swift

Want to calculate number of days between two dates in swift, or difference of days between two dates in swift. If you are looking for objective C tutorial for getting number of days between two dates in Objective C, then check given below link https://iostutorialjunction.com/2016/01/calculate-number-of-days-between-two-dates.html Getting number of days between two dates Below is the

Get number of days between two dates in iOS using swift Read More »

Error iTunes Missing Marketing Icon

Error while uploading app to Itunes, Missing Marketing Icon  – iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format As the tutorial heading reads out. In this tutorial we will learn how to remove this error and check whether the icon image  has alpha transparency enabled or it is without alpha transparency.                                                          

Error iTunes Missing Marketing Icon Read More »