Error iTunes Missing Marketing Icon

Error while uploading app to Itunes Missing Marketing Icon - iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format

Error while uploading app to Itunes, Missing Marketing Icon  – iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format

As the tutorial heading reads out. In this tutorial we will learn how to remove this error and check whether the icon image  has alpha transparency enabled or it is without alpha transparency.
                                                          Apple Inc. recently changes there App developer Agreement and also the requirements that needs to be full-filled prior to uploading app to iTunes app store. If you are trying to upload iOS app from Xcode 9 then your app must include marketing app icon of size 1024*1024 pixels. You have to add this icon in your Assets.xcassets – App icon.

 IMPORTANT: Make sure to use the icon without Alpha/Transparency.

To add it follow the given below steps

Step 1: Select “Assets.xcassets“.

Error while uploading app to Itunes Missing Marketing Icon - iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format

Step 2: Select App Icon.

Step 3: Set your app icon  image of size 1024*1024 pixels to the box as shown in image below. Also make sure your app icon image does not have alpha.

Error while uploading app to Itunes Missing Marketing Icon - iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format

How to check image alpha transparency 

If you are not sure how to check, whether your image has alpha or not, Then follow below steps

Step 1: Open your image with “Preview app.”

How to check wether image has alpha transparency or not using preview app

Step 2: Make a duplicate copy of that image, as shown in image.

How to check wether image has alpha transparency or not using preview app

Step 3: Close the duplicate image window.

How to check wether image has alpha transparency or not using preview app

Step 4: If the pop up that came after closing duplicate window has alpha option then your image has alpha transparency. If no alpha option shown, then your image has no alpha transparency.

How to check wether image has alpha transparency or not using preview app

Where to go from here:

In this tutorial or blog post we learned, how to remove Missing Marketing Icon – iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format, error while uploading ios app to iTunes store and how to check whether our icon image has transparency enabled or is without transparency as Apple clearly said that image should have without Alpha/Transparency.