
How to use Alamofire network reachability manager in iOS swift

For an iOS app, using api call to populate data in the app. Check for internet connectivity is required to make app user experience a more better rather than not opting to detect availability of internet.Alamofire is network library written in swift and used in iOS app development for making network requests. This network library

How to use Alamofire network reachability manager in iOS swift Read More »

iOS tutorial: Create a drop down using swift language in iOS

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a drop down using swift language in iOS app development. For creating a dropdown, we will use a cocoa-pod named “DropDown” by assistolab. Given below is the url for the pod documentation. You can check that for better understanding about the functionality or features provide by

iOS tutorial: Create a drop down using swift language in iOS Read More »

Create custom UIView class with xib in swift

Step-by-Step Guide to Design Custom UIView with XIB in Swift for UI Flexibility

Need to create a re-usable UIView class for common screens in your app, but want to design user interface in xib. To achieve this you need to create a xib file for your custom UIView class. Since xcode, does not allow developers to create a xib file, while creating a new file having UIView as

Step-by-Step Guide to Design Custom UIView with XIB in Swift for UI Flexibility Read More »