Introduction to Provisioning profiles – Xcode:
In our last post we learned how can we create Development and Distribution certificates. In this tutorial we would learn how to create provisioning profile. If you did not know how to create development and distribution certificates for code signing, you can learn from below link
Learn how to create Development and Distribution certificate
NOTE: Main difference between certificates and provisioning profiles is that certificates are independent of app id’s whereas provisioning profiles are dependent to App id’s and different for different App id’s.
Provisioning profile contains information about your app and the physical devices on which app can get installed during development phase.
First we will learn to create development provisioning profile, for this we need to create app identifier(if already not created) and add our devices on which we want to install our app during development phase
Steps to create provisioning profiles:
Step 1: Login with your developer account on Apple developer website
Step 2: Click on certificates, identifiers and profiles as shown in given below image/screenshot
Step 9: Now we are done with our identifiers and devices let us create our provisioning profiles. Select iOS App Development, if you want to create development provisioning profile and App Store, if you want to create distribution provisioning profile. After selection press continue.
Step 10: Select App id for which you want to create the provisioning profile and press continue.
Step 11: Select certificate with which you want to sign your provisioning profile and press continue.
Step 12: Name your provisioning profile and press continue. (If you are creating development profile then you need to select devices before this steps shown on your screen)
Where to go from here: