App Transport Security has blocked iOS

Recently updated my Xcode with IOS 9 simulators per-installed. When i ran the it gave me error in cosole for App Transport Security as i am not able to log in the user. When i cross checked the log, find that below line

App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP (http://) resource load since it is insecure. Temporary exceptions can be configured via your app’s Info.plist file

To solve this i made a quick search on Google and found out the solution so sharing it here on blog as it will help others

Solution :

You have to set the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key to YES under NSAppTransportSecurity dictionary in your .plist file. Hope this helps!

You have to set the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key to YES under NSAppTransportSecurity dictionary in your .plist file. Hope this helps!
You have to set the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key to YES under NSAppTransportSecurity dictionary in your .plist file. Hope this helps!

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