Difference between escaping and non escaping closures

In this post we are going to learn, difference between escaping closures and non-escaping closures. Closures are self contained block of functionality that can be pass around and used in your code. If you are not familiar with closures in swift, then you can learn from given below link https://iostutorialjunction.com/2018/04/how-to-write-closures-in-swift-beginner-tutorial.html Closures types There are two

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Get number of days between two dates in swift

Want to calculate number of days between two dates in swift, or difference of days between two dates in swift. If you are looking for objective C tutorial for getting number of days between two dates in Objective C, then check given below link https://iostutorialjunction.com/2016/01/calculate-number-of-days-between-two-dates.html Getting number of days between two dates Below is the

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Change UIButton size as per title text length

In this tutorial, we will learn how to alter UIButton size as per button title text length. UIButton does not increase its size, when we change tittle of UIButton dynamically or programmatically in swift. When we create a UIButton in storyboard, and set a large title to it in our ViewController class. Then the size

Change UIButton size as per title text length Read More »